Enjoy life with the woman you love!

Enjoy life with the woman you love!

May the Lord make everything perfect we are already bald wonder. However, we have in our hands, a destructive capacity deperverter the creations of the Lord. Among many, now let's talk about sex and how we are transforming it into an object of exploitation, destruction and death.

There is no doubt that sex is a wonderful creation of God. It is a gift from God to man and the woman, within prescribed limits, and within marriage. However, we have seen a great majority, even within the church, suffering serious consequences of perverted sexual practices and illicit.

Analyzing the Word, we see that sexual perversion is the result of witchcraft and idolatry (Hosea 4:13). In Romans 1:18-29 we see that wickedness and immorality leads to sexual perversion. And besides being a very typical problem of misuse of character, it's pretty obvious that there is a huge entreendemoninhamento relationship and sexual problems in the area.

Sexual perversion is a current problem, and always has been. Looking at history, we see that this sin has always been present. This 'door' was opened when Evapecarão Adam and the Garden of Eden. From that moment, by that fact, every kind of perversion and all sorts of sins came to us. Not all at once, but somehow, all arrived! Today we hear more about pedophilia, prostitution and homosexuality, but these things have come a long, long time.

In Brazil, unfortunately, we live in the midst of such evil that we find the absurdity of some things normal and just injecting small (or large) doses of all this in the vein of the Bride.

Across the world, we Brazilians, we are known as one of the sexiest people of the earth and ocarnaval is a major spotlight. We are exporters of homosexuals, prostitutes and underage sexy dance rhythms, such as forro, samba and its variations. Our novels are known, as well as their content in its entirety, on violence and sex. We became merosobjetos sex. Each one always seeking only their own pleasure at any cost, turning sex into something destructive.

There is a lie that runs around that Satan loves sex. In fact he hates!
Sex blessed by God takes place within the context of love. He unites man and woman in holiness, beauty, love, fellowship and acceptance. It was created for the preservation of life and existence of families. Thus, even if you think that Satan likes something just so blessed? Of course not! And it is precisely because of this, not love, do not understand the love that he (Satan) and misrepresenting age depravando sex. After all, acting against love, he is acting against God. And it is this manipulation that he just can anesthetizing who, against the love of God and for himself.

On this subject, we still have much to say. So this is the first text in a series that the Lord directed me to write. In the next, we'll discuss the main forms of perverted sex with real examples, the traps that Satan uses to infect people in the sexual area, among many other things. All the light of the Bible and the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

To conclude this first article, be sure of one thing: good sex exists only between a man and woman in marriage, and yet so healthy and responsible. This is a true pleasure to meet and not imprisoned.
And, contrary to what many think, the sex was not made solely for the purpose of procreation. It is a gift of God given to the couple to be enjoyed so!

"Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of your fleeting life ..."(Ecclesiastes 9:9